Rosalind Franklin

ADN, el hilo conductor de la vida

«dna, the thread of life»

Rosalind Franklin is famous for her discoveries in molecular biology. Using X-ray crystallography, she captured the famous Photograph 51, which revealed the helical structure of DNA. Her work provided the crucial evidence for Watson and Crick to propose the double helix model. It also laid the groundwork for numerous advances in genetics and molecular biology. Franklin’s work exemplifies how science can unravel the fundamental mysteries of life.

The importance of Photo 51 lies in the fact that it revealed the exact arrangement of atoms within the DNA molecule, which allowed us to understand how genetic information is stored and transmitted. Franklin, thanks to her technical skill and precision, was able to obtain high-resolution images that no one had achieved before. Although she was not immediately recognized for her contribution, her work opened the door to one of the greatest advances in science of the 20th century.

La comprensión de la estructura del ADN ha tenido un impacto profundo en áreas como la genética, la biotecnología y la medicina, facilitando avances como la manipulación genética, el Proyecto Genoma Humano y la comprensión de enfermedades hereditarias. La Foto 51 de Rosalind Franklin es un símbolo de un momento crucial en la ciencia, que cambió para siempre nuestra comprensión de la vida a nivel molecular.

*Photo 51* also enabled us to understand how DNA is replicated, which led to advances in gene therapy, diagnosis of hereditary diseases and modern genetic engineering, revolutionizing biomedicine.

Discober more about Rosalind Franklin via Wikipedia, National Geographic or Mujeres con ciencia

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